
together we can make an impact on Education and Leadership. If you share in our interests, consider partnering with us to assist in a current or future project.

Get Involved

Want to collaborate?

We want to connect with other education advocates, institutions and researchers to explore opportunities to collaborate on issues that are important to us. Please reach out to us, and we will be in touch.

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HIstorically Black Colleges & Universities

HBCUs are known for providing its students with a "home away from home" environment, and students who are supported and mentored while attending HBCUs thrive at these institutions. Our impetus for starting Meador Consulting Group, LLC derived for our affinity we have for HBCUs and passion for education. We are interested in working closely with HBCUs to ensure their continued success.  

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Community Colleges

Community Colleges are thriving places for traditional and non-traditional college students. As such, we work closey with colleges to ensure the quality around their academic programs and student services. We are interested in partnering with Community Colleges to showcase best practices.



As part of our mission, Meador Consulting Group, LLC is currently looking for sponsors to support our efforts in supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and community colleges in the quest to improve student learning, experience, and college enrollment, retention and completion. Through research, we know the recipe for student success and want to share this with institutions who serve diverse student and community populations and/or students of diverse socio-economic status.